Thursday, November 8, 2007

Monroe, MI (MIMO) Count Circle

Where is the Monroe, MI CBC Count Circle ? – The count has been conducted in Monroe County for over 55 years and ESBA has hosted the count for over 30 years (including this year).

Where is the Count Circle? – The center of the Monroe count area is the junction of M-125 and Woodchuck Creek near LaSalle. The count circle is 15 miles in diameter (~177 sq. miles) and is divided into 8 Areas.

Area 2 - Consumers Power Plant and Erie Gun Club to I-75

Area 3 - Wood Road on the north east to US-125. US-125 south to Erie Rd. Erie Rd. east to I-75; I-75 south

Area 4 - LaPlaisance Rd east to North Otter Creek Rd to Lake Erie. Telegraph south to Wood Road and Wood Road east to US-125. US-125 south to Erie Rd. Erie Rd. east to Lake Erie

Area 5 - Front St. along S side of River Raisin Rd. from Telegraph Rd. to Lake Erie. Telegraph Rd. S to LaPlaisance Rd. E to North Otter Creek Rd. to Lake Erie

Area 5a - Monroe Power Plant

Area 6 - Front St. along S side of River Raisin from Telegraph Rd. to Lake Erie. Telegraph Rd. N to Nadeau Rd.

Area 7 - Dunbar Rd to Telegraph Rd. Telegraph Rd. N to Nadeau Rd.

Area 8 - Dunbar Rd. to Telegraph Rd. Telegraph Rd. S to Wood Rd. then W on Wood Rd.

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