Monroe, MI Christmas Bird Counts have been conducted for over 40 years! As compiler since 1988 I was able to gather records from 1970 - 2010 (with thanks to Bob Pettit) and consolidate them into one master spreadsheet . The following is a summary of the 42 years of CBC totals from the Monroe, MI Count Circle:
Total Birds counted = 2.9 million!
Total Species = 164
Average # Birds / Count = 70,000
Average # Spp. / Count = 73
Min # Spp. = 57 (1986)
Max# Spp. = 89 (2005)
European Starlings have dominated the Monroe CBC with most number of birds counted and (973,336) and occurrence (all 41 years). Common Grackles (319,641 / 37), Red-winged Blackbirds (262,365 / 39), Herring Gulls (243,362 / 41) and Ring-billed Gulls (190,487 / 41) round out the top five in terms of numbers / #yrs counted.
The following birds have been counted all 42 years:
European Starling
Herring Gull
Ring-billed Gull
Common Merganser
House Sparrow
Mourning Dove
American Tree Sparrow
Common Goldeneye
Great Black-backed Gull
American Black Duck
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
American Goldfinch
Great Blue Heron
Blue Jay
Song Sparrow
American Crow
Downy Woodpecker
American Kestrel
Red-tailed Hawk
White-breasted Nuthatch
The following birds have only been found on 1 count:
Pacific Loon (CW) - 2011
Surf Scoter (6) - 1997
Trumpeter Swan (4) - (2006)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (3) - 2005
Golden Eagle (2) - 1994
Greater Yellowlegs (2) - 1987
Lesser Yellowlegs (2) - 1999
Boreal Chickadee (2) - 1972
Nelson's Sparrow (2) - 1971
Cackling Goose (1) - 1999
Harlequin Duck (1) - 1982
Common Loon (1) - 1980
Red-necked Grebe (1) - 1983
American White Pelican (1) - 2010
American Bittern (1) - 1972
Turkey Vulture (1) - 1970
falcon sp. (1) - 1991
Sora (1) - 1989
rail sp. (1) - 1989
Willet (1) - 2005
Sanderling (1) - 1987
Semipalmated Sandpiper (1) - 1973
peep sp. (1) - 1989
Red Phalarope (1) - 1987
Laughing Gull (1) - 1973
Franklin's Gull (1) - 1996
Loggerhead Shrike (1) - 1972
Tree Swallow (1) - 2010
Sedge Wren (1) - 1970
Orange-crowned Warbler (1) - 2010
Chipping Sparrow (1) - 2002
Lincoln's Sparrow (1) - 1989
Yellow-headed Blackbird (1) - 1992 + CW 2005
Some of the more interesting birds that have been found on 2 or more counts include the following:
Greater White-fronted Goose - 1 each in 1999, 2005
White-winged Scoter - 1 each in 2005, 2006
Thayer's Gull - 1 each in 1994, 2003
Northern Saw-whet Owl - 1 each in 1971, 1972
Vesper's Sparrow - 1 each in 1990, 1992
Brewer's Blackbird - 1 each in 1990, 1978
Snowy Owl - 1 each in 1971, 1974, 1980
Barn Owl - 2 in 1970, 2 in 1972, 1 in 1973, 1 in 1976
Evening Grosbeak - 12 in 1970, 9 in '71, 4 in '73, 8 in '77, 4 in '95
Short-eared Owl - 3 in '70, 2 in '72, 3 in '75, 3 in '76,
Long-eared Owl - 10 in '70, 9 in '72, 1 in '73, 1 in '75, 1 in '82
Records like these are not possible w/o the volunteer efforts of the dozens who have participated in this event. Thank you to all who have given their time/effort to locate these birds!
Oh, what's up w/ the color coded list? The color scheme shown in the summary above is based on documentation requirements for the individual species:
Category 1: No documentation required, unless (a) new to your count or (b) observed on fewer than 10% of your counts, in which case documentation may be as little at 3-4 sentences describing the bird and where found.
Category 2: Documention must be at least a paragraph or two describing the bird in detail, as well as location and circumstances of the observation.
Category 3: Full documentation is required, including all of the information requested on the enclosed rare bird documentation form.
The following is a summary of results from each of the Areas covered by the count circle:
J.R. Whiting Power Plant
Erie Marsh Preserve
Area 2 (results include the Whiting Plant and Erie Marsh)
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
Monroe Power Plant
Area 6
Area 7
Area 8
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